2021年4月号 D項


2021年4月号 D項

Debate: Topic and Outline




Quasi-civil War in the US makes the world wonder.

US society has a stale atmosphere as new President Biden begins his term. Armed ant-government protests are planned in all 50 states in the US, and state conferences and state governments could be a target. According to the US news, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) warns it in the internal instrument.

 “governments are running to collect information about what diplomatic policies Biden will take. Before this, however, it is necessary to analyze how public security in the US society will be. If domestic violence explodes, diplomacy will not work. The growing power of US extremists will affect global security. “

On October 17th of last year, this column analyzed that the situation that the US is heading for a new Civil War is not a fiction. Unfortunately, the attack on the US congress on January 6th, the firs attack in nearly 200 years, reflected such a reality.

 This was led by people from the far right. It is said that dozens of assailants were members of a far-right group, like White supremacists, who included in the watch list of the FBI.

 The number of terrorisms by far-right groups in the US has been rapidly increasing in recent years. According to Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), from 2000 to 2013 the number of cases was less than 20 per year (including attempts), but the number was around 30 to 50 per year from 17 to 19, and the number was around 40 cases in just January to August in 20.

 During the Obama administration, White supremacists, who were increasingly concerned about a black president, quickly increased their members. After Trump, who is considered to be tolerant of the far right, took office, such groups became even more active.

 The problem is whether his will be limited to an increase in terrorism or whether it will go beyond that level and threaten to turn into a quasi-civil war. Jones CSIS senior adviser, who analyzed movements of the far right and announced two reports last year, points out that although we are not yet in a “state of civil war,” the threat of terrorism has risen to a new level.

 “The far right had consisted of multiple forces with different purposes, like White supremacists, anti-government soldiers, and conspiracy theorists. However, such a view has arisen in the far right cross-cuttingly that president-elect was stolen, and Biden administration is illegal.

 White supremacists, classified as the far right and anti-government extremists, hostile to the federal intervention, have a history of dealing with their own enemies and have not always been united. But in the future, they may unite by overthrowing the Biden administration.

 Mr. Jones said, “until las year the far right had sided with the police to prevent a collapse caused by far-left demonstrations. Now, however, the police are seen as the enemy protesting the illegal regime, which could lead to more terrorist attacks on police and government officials in the medium to long term.”

The attack on the US congress brought to light another disturbing situation. This is a suspicion that there might be sympathizes with the far right among the police and military that suppress extremists. In fact, former military personnel joined as the rioter in the attack.

 According to a US military official, the military and police, which are conservative organizations, have always had room for far-right ideas. Not only the US, but also Europe has similar problems.

 About 74 million voters voted for Trump. According to polls, a majority of them still do not approve the outcome of the election. The worse scenario is that some of Trump enthusiastic supporters will be inspired by the far-right groups to act even more radically. Some Trump supporters are conspiracy theorists “Q-anons” who respect him as their “messiah.”

 The starting point for the US to prevent such a crisis is to close the very wide wealth gap between rich and poor and heal the divide. However, the history of the far-right goes back to the American Revolutionary War, so it is not easy to eliminate.

 Hirostugu Aida, a visiting professor at Kansai University who is an expert on the history of American conservatism, said. “At the time of the American Revolutionary War, the inhabitants of the US fought against the ruling British army as ‘Militia.’ After independence, the idea of Militia defended the autonomy of the states (state’s right) and lived on in the form of resisting the intervention of the federal government. This is the origin of the anti-government extremist far-right, and it rooted in a long history.”

 The history of the white supremacist Ku Klux Klan (KKK) also dates back to the 1860s. It began when white Southerners rebelled against emancipation of slaves during the Civil War and banded together.

The movement of the far right in the US also affects the security of Europe, the former Soviet bloc, and Australia. This is because far right in the US and many places are promoting exchanges. There are also ideological ties between the far right in he US and Europe.

 Hiroki Wada, a part-time lecturer at Seiwa University who is an expert on international terrorism issues, predicts, “If there is a spate of far-right terrorist attacks in the US, there is a risk that far-right groups in Europe and Australia will be stimulated and compete with each other to carry out terrorist attacks. In one case, the “Azov Battalion,” a Ukrainian far-right group, accepted members from the US and UK far right and cooperated with them in military training. It is also said that the US far right has a base in Russia and is recruiting members.

 At the time of the Obama administration, he declared that the United States would not be the “world’s police force.” If this continues, the US could become a source of momentum for extremists around the world.

(Translated by Hagiwara )


米大統領選 民主主義に試練 

米ユーラシア・グループ社長 イアン・ブレマー氏











ナイアガラ滝に突っ込むボード ̄。大統領選を間近に控えた米国の危うさを、米紙のコラムニストはこう評する。トランプ氏とバイデン氏がどちらが勝っても、選挙結果の正当性が問われるのは必至だ。共和党・民主党が国を二分し、内戦さながらの抗争を演じかねない。



(編集委員 小竹洋之)
出典:2020年9月17日 『日経新聞』
