2021年1月号 B項


2021年3月号 B項

Business: English Skills


Bullet train services disrupted in the wake of a powerful earthquake that struck the Tohoku region last weekend will be mostly resumed from the first train on Wednesday, operator East Japan Railway Co. has said.
The resumption will come 10 days after the magnitude-7.3 temblor, which struck at 11:07 p.m. Feb. 13, damaged electricity poles and bridges on the Tohoku Shinkansen Line connecting the region with Tokyo.
JR East said Friday that it will run the high-speed trains throughout its tracks from Wednesday morning but the total number of the trains will be limited to roughly two-thirds of the normal for about a month because of the need to slow down in parts that were recently repaired.
The quake, which caused power and water outages across a wide area, damaged 2,649 houses across Fukushima, Miyagi and Yamagata prefectures, according to the Fire and Disaster Management Agency.
It also left 185 people injured in Iwate, Miyagi, Yamagata, Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa prefectures, the agency said.
While a tsunami did not occur, the earthquake came just weeks before the 10th anniversary of the magnitude 9.0 quake and tsunami that devastated northeastern Japan in March 2011, leaving more than 15,000 people dead and triggering the Fukushima nuclear crisis.
Following the Feb. 13 temblor, which registered a strong 6 on Japan’s seismic intensity scale of 7, around 80 earthquakes with seismic centers off the coast of Fukushima had been felt as of Friday, according to the Meteorological Agency.
It included a quake in Soma, Fukushima Prefecture, last Sunday that had a seismic intensity of 4.

出典:Most bullet train services in Tohoku to resume on Wednesday; Japan Times Feb 20, 2021

bullet train=high-speed train: 高速鉄道、新幹線
earthquake=quake: 地震
temblor: 地震、地震による揺れ
roughly: 大まかに
devastate: 荒らす、荒廃させる
seismic: 地震性の
seismic intensity scale: 震度階

The quake, which caused power and water outages across a wide area,…
この記事ではより分かりやすく”power outage””停電”、”water outage””断水”、と表現していることがわかります。
訳: 広範囲において停電や断水を引き起こした地震は…

It also left 185 people injured.
全文を受けて it = quake になります。
