2020年 8月号 D項


2020年 8月号 D項

Debate: Topic and Outline


4. Conservatism and Polarization of the Democratic Party with the rise of the Western Republican Party
“There is a lot of pressure on their coalition coming from within the party. As the Democratic electorate has bifurcated along economic and racial lines, intraparty tension is rising.” said by Thomas Byrne Edsall, a political editor, author, professor.
1965: President John F. Kennedy’s proposed “AFFIRMATIVE ACTION” required companies that contract with the government to promote the hiring of minorities. However, hiring preferences for blacks resulted in the relative deprivation of employment opportunities for white workers, and frustration piled up among the white working class, the base of the Democratic Party. In response, the Republicans President Richard Nixon drove a wedge between the black and white working classes in the South and tried to turn the South, which had been Democratic stronghold, to the Republican Party.
The turnaround has been indicative of a defection of Democratic supporters, including voting for Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican) since 1948.
The decisive turning point was George C. Wallace’s vacating the race for the Democratic presidential nomination against the Democratic Party’s enclosure of African Americans. As governor of Alabama, he defended the policy of racial segregation as a uniquely Southern culture and resisted the intervention of the federal government. This was partly in response to the Northern backlash that had been building since the Civil War, and white Southerners who favored solid Southern unity sympathized with Wallace’s movement and left the Democratic Party. After this, they joined the Republican Party.
1964: The movement of conservative Arizona Senator Barry M. Goldwater, a conservative elected to the U.S. Senate in Arizona, pitted western Republicans against eastern moderates, who lost the “presidential election” but made “individual liberty,” “deregulation,” and “family values” the pillars of his ideology, which was succeeded by the Ronald W. Reagan administration in 1981.
After the 1970s: Economic growth slowed, inflation and unemployment rose. This is where the conservatism of the “Reagan Revolution” gained momentum.
1984: Reagan is reelected. At the same time, George H. W. Bush Sr. becomes vice president. This was the third consecutive term of Republican monopoly of the presidency after the war. On the other hand, the Democrats’ radical leftward shift through “Political Movement” and ” The Politics of Recognition” did not sit well with the majority of society, including independents, and the Democrats were defeated in presidential elections for the third time in a row since 1980.
1973: The Supreme Court legalizing abortion, that caused the gospel of Democratic support, Christians, and the Christian Coalition, to flow to the Republican Party as in the 1980s and 1990s.
The outline of Democrat:
After Franklin D. Roosevelt, the “welfare state” embodied in the Democratic Party became the “liberalism” of America. Since then, liberalism was called classical liberalism and became conservative. American conservatism also underwent its own changes.
Characteristics of European classical liberalism:
• Skepticism about the power of the state
• Freedom over equality
• Patriotism
• Fixed organization and class
• Skepticism about progressivism
•Traditionalism, symbolized by elitisms

The characteristics and contradictions of American conservatism:
① Strong love with their country, but abhorrent to their government.
② Use a strong military and continue superpower diplomacy while maintaining a small government on the other hand
③ Believe in individualism as supreme, while trying to bring the entire individual under the control of God.

Since 1980, the combination of political parties and ideology has been organized. And there has been a polarization as follows:
・The Republican Party has become more conservative, although there had been a number of moderates before.
・The Democrats have become more liberal.
Overall, a growing percentage of voters who say they can’t agree on all aspects of either party identify themselves as independents.

(written by Chiba and Translated by Li Luan.)


1965年:ジョンソン大統領が提案した「AFFIRMATIVE ACTION」
この転機は1948年以降、アイゼンハワー(共和党)に投票するなど民主党支持者の離反の動きを示していた。 南部の民主党支持層にとって、この決定的転機は民主党がアフリカ系を囲い込んだことに反発したジョージ・ウオーレスの運動である。アラバマ州知事であった彼は人種隔離政策を南部特有の文化として擁護し、連邦政府の介入に抵抗した。(これは南北戦争以来の北部への反発もあって、南部の堅固な結束を好む南部白人はウオーレスの運動に共鳴し、民主党を去った。この後、共和党に合流する。

