2019年 11月号 D項


2019年 11月号 D項

Debate: Topic and Outline

Soft Topic: Do you think “e-sports” games should be held as a kind of a sports

games in the Olympic games in future?  Why do you think so?


In September’s YY club we discussed about the U.S. Democratic Presidential Candidates.

From April, each party has started to select their candidates, the Democratic party had 20 candidates who announced their candidacy. The United States will hold its presidential election on November.

As always, we will have Akiko and Benjamin summarize this issue.


A: Biden is known as the major contender of the Democratic Party. Do you think he can beat Trump?

B: Biden has always criticized Trump and have mentioned that Trump is damaging the United States. He has also stated that he is willing to fight for the United States. Biden has continuously challenged Trump.

A: Trump on the other hand tweeted that he welcomes “sleepy Joe Biden”. It really seems like something that Trump will say. If he said that in Japan, he would probably upset a lot of people.

B; Who is the 2nd popular Democratic Candidate?

A: It’s Bernie Sanders who lost against Clinton in the 2016 election. He is 77 years old but he is one of the major contender.

B: Who are the other candidates?

A: Elizabeth Warren, she is focused on resolving income inequality. Kamala Harris is similar to Warren and is also concerned on income inequality. Warren may surpass Biden’s popularity.

B: Those were the candidates from the Senate, who are the candidates from the House of Representatives? It seems that the popular candidates are all from the Senate.

A: The candidates from the House of Representatives are not as popular, but Beto O’Rourke is pretty popular. He is 46 years old and a young candidate, he is recognized as the second Obama.

B: Who are the other candidates from the House of Representatives?

A: There are governors, mayors, and entrepreneurs who are using their unique experiences to voice their stance.

B: Would you be able to tell me unique candidates?

A: Pete Buttigieg, who came out as gay is one of the unique candidates. He is also young and is addressing issues such as climate change. He is also strongly against Trump’s policies.

B: What do you think will happen with the presidential election.

A: Well, the Democrats and the Republicans will have their primaries or caucuses and will choose their nominee. The citizens of the United States will vote for their delegates. Each state has a certain number of delegates depending on many people live there. The person from each party with the most delegates then becomes their candidate and runs for the job of president.

B: What happens in November? What are the debates like in the United States?

A: The presidential elections are always held on the first Tuesday in November. University students often practice Lincoln – Douglas debate format.

B: This format is named after the debate between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas.

A: So, there is a debate format.

B: I expect that there is this kind of debate in Japan where they discuss about policies.

A: In Japan it’s not in depth and the candidates just repeat their name.

B: I wonder when Japan will start having in-depth debates.





A:民主党の最有力候補としてバイデン氏が先ず立候補 しているが、トランプに勝てるであろうか?

B: かれは立候補早々「トランプによって米国の価値が脅かされている。この国の魂のために戦う。」と述べてトランプに挑戦した。

A: しかしすかさず、トランプはツイターで「“寝ぼけたジョー”の出馬は歓迎する」と投稿し、受けて立つとした。トランプらしい表現と言える。日本ではヒンシュクを受ける言動であるが・・・。



B: 次はだれであろうか?




A: 彼らは全米での知名度が大きな課題となる。それでも幾人か候補を紹介すると、先ず、


B: その他下院議員にいるにだろうか?



A: ユニークなのは性的少数者(LGBT)のビート・ブッティジェソン氏であろう。彼は若さを武器に気候変動対策などを訴えている。まともな意見を主張している。また、この立場からトランプの政策を批判している。




B: そしてどのようになるのか?

A: そして11月の両党の大統領候補同士が本選挙を争う。この争いの中では大学主催のディベート大会が有名である。

B: このディベートはではかつて、リンカーン大統領も行っている。

A: そう、ディベート形式でリンカーン式と言う形式も知られている。

B: 日本もそのようなディベート大会で選ばれるようであると将に政策の競争となろう。

