2018年 4月号 B項


2018年 4月号 B項

Business: English Skills

2月14日、米国フロリダ州パークランドで19歳の男性が銃乱射を行い、17人が他界したのはまだ記憶に新しいですね。この事件以後、アメリカでは、高校生をはじめとしたますます多くの人が銃法制の改正を求めています。そんな中、つい先日3月24日に、銃規制を求めるデモ行進「March for OurLives(私たちの命のための行進)」が、アメリカ全土で行われ、100万人以上の生徒・教師らが参加しましたが、この行進はフロリダの高校銃乱射事件を生き延びた生徒たちが計画したものです。このデモ行進について説明している記事から抜粋して解説を行いたいと思います。法律関係の言葉も出てきますが、まずは読解にチャレンジしてみてください!(ヒント:『gun control』は、『銃規制』という意味です。)

What Is the March for Our Lives?
March for Our Lives is a student-led protest and rally calling for youth all over the world to stand up and march in support for gun control legislation.(1)“The mission and focus of March for Our Lives is to demand that a comprehensive and effective bill be immediately brought before Congress to address these gun issues,” the movement’s organizers outline on the website. “No special interest group, no political agenda is more critical than timely passage of legislation to effectively address the gun violence issues that are rampant in our country. (2)” In addition to marching, the rally will include speeches from activists and performances from musical guests including Ariana Grande, Vic Mensa, Miley Cyrus, Jennifer Hudson, and more. The full speaker list will be announced closer to March 24.
Ultimately, the goal of the March for Our Lives is to spark a meaningful conversation about gun control, not only in the wake of Parkland, but because of shootings that have taken place all over the United States. It’s a conversation that the student organizers of the march feel adults have failed to have adequately. “The adults in office have let us down, absolutely, (3)” Cameron Kasky told Face the Nation in February. “What we’re trying to do here at March for Our Lives is say ‘The adult politicians have been playing around while my generation has been losing our lives.’(4)”
By: MJ Franklin, “Everything you need to know about the March for Our Lives” MashableAsia, 2018/03/22更新,
explained/#NsRKu5H5.qqY 2018/03/29引用
■TODAY’S VOCABULARY■ *はこの記事の中で使われている意味を指します。
call for【動】…を必要とする、…を求めて呼ぶ*、ふさわしい
in support for ~を支持して
legislation【名】立法、法律制定、法律、法令 →gun control legislation 銃規制法案
outline【動】概説する,略述する 例)I outlined the discussion. その論議の大要を述べた.
special interest group【名】利権団体 
political agenda【名】 政治路線
Timely【形】 折良い、素早い
Passage 【名】廊下、通路、抜け道、通過*、(鳥などの)移住、移行
in the wake of…の跡を追って、…にならって、…に引き続いて*
in office在任している
let <人> down〈人を〉気落ちさせる, 失望させる 例)I am sorry I let you
down. 失望させてごめんなさい。

(1)March for Our Lives is a student-led protest and rally calling for youth all over the world to stand up and march in support for gun control legislation.
March for Our Lives(私たちの命のための行進)は、生徒たちが主導となっプロテスト、及び大集会であり、世界中の若者に、銃規制法案を支持して、立ち上がり、行進するように呼び掛ける。
(2)No special interest group, no political agenda is more critical than timely passage of legislation to effectively address the gun violence issues that are rampant in our country.
(3)The adults in office have let us down, absolutely
(4)The adult politicians have been playing around while my generation has been losing our lives.