2018年 3月号 B項


2018年 3月号 B項

Business: English Skills



Nao Kodaira (JPN) continued her almsot two-year undefeated run in the 500m, winning the gold medal in PyeongChang. Kodaira did not succumb to the pressure that has been put on her by Japanese media and fans, and became the first Japanese 500m Olympic champion. (———-) Lee Seung-Hwa (KOR) has become notorious for crying after her wins, but today thetwo-time 500m gold medalist was emotional for a different reason. Lee finished .39 seconds behind Kodaira, earning silver. Prior to the Games, Lee spoke about how a win in her country would be special. Despite not getting the win, the South Korean fans were still very supportive of Lee as chants of her name filled the arena after her race. “I don’t care about silver or bronze or gold, because I already have two gold medals for the Olympic Games, but it’s here in Korea so it was really exciting to hear many Koreans cheering for us,” Lee said following the race. In a true show of sportsmanship, Kodaira consoled the two-time Olympic champion as the reality that she would not win her third straight 500m gold medal set in. “She told me that she was still proud of me as I am proud of her because she did 1500m and 1000m so she did three races. We were talking about that,” Lee said of the encounter. ” Sport can make the world one together, it’s simple,” Kodaira said to the media. (———-)
By Antonio Salazar, ” Nao Kodaira wins 500m gold medal, ends Lee Sang-
Hwa’s Olympoc dominance” PyeangChang 2018, 2018/02/18引用,
undefeated : 無敗の、敗北しない
→動詞の前に接頭辞un-がついて、not 「否定」を意味します。中にはin-が接頭でつくことで「否定」を表す単語もあります。元の単語と真逆の意味になるので注意しましょう。
(例1) unequal 「等しくない」、unfix「緩める」、uninjured 「無傷の」
(例2) indifferent 「並みの、平凡な」、impotent「無力な」、infamous 「悪評の」
succumb to : ~に屈服する、負ける
put pressure on 〈人〉: 〈人〉に圧力(プレッシャー)をかける、
prior to : ~より前に、~に先立って
despite : ~にもかかわらず
→despiteの類義語として in spite ofが挙げられます。どちらも日本語では同じ様な意味ですが、despiteは「~してもしなくてもどのみち・・・」、in spite ofは「~であるが、驚くことに・・・」 というようなニュアンスで何かびっくりする事実について言及する時に使われます。以下に例文を挙げますので、その違いを考えてみてくださいね。
(例1) I went to school despite the snow. 雪が降っているにもかかわらず学校に行った。
(例2)  In spite of the heavy snow, I have to go to school. 大雪なのにもかかわらず学校に行かなければならない。
cheer for : ~を応援する、~に声援を送る
console 〈人〉: 〈人〉を慰める、元気づける
proud of〈人〉: 〈人〉を誇りに思う、自慢に思う
