2018年 2月号 D項


2018年 2月号 D項

Debate: Topic and Outline

1.      世界的リーダーの不足:トランプの米国は世界のリーダーとは言えない。
2.      民主主義はポピュリズムを排除できないか?
3.      保護主義は,善か悪か?
4.      ポピュリズムは現状への不満からである。大衆は他に不満をぶつける手段がない。
5.      中国は世界のリーダーにはなれないか?―― 共産主義国だからか? 一党独裁の国だからか?
6.      民主主義は最善か?
7.      世界をリードできるシステムはないものか? 国連を改善すべきであるか?
8.      資本主義は格差を生むシステムであるか?

Upon welcoming the New Year, I would like to think about possible topics for YY club this year, in a word-association-game style.
These following themes came to my mind and let’s discuss whether those topics are important and relevant for YY club!

1)      Lack of world leaders: It’s hard to say that US president Trump is a world leader.
Akiko: Only saying “America First” doesn’t make Mr. Trump a world  leader.
Bnjamin: During the Obama administration, it was declared that the United States would no longer be the world police. The whole world has been in chaos since then. This situation is too serious to be ignored. Then, do you think China or Germany can become a new world leader?

Akiko: Well…..Because Germany was not an Ally of USA and others in WWII, the U.S. or Britain would not accept Germany as the world leader, even though 77 years have passed since the war. And although China has a big economic power, western countries would not accept China as a world leader because China is not a democratic but communism country.

Benjamin: But in the current United Nation system, if one of the members of the council disagree, then it won’t be able to carry out anything because that is the rule. Can’t we come up with a “more” democratic system in the near future?

Akiko: Umm. It would be difficult because it would mean that the members of the council need to give up their vested interests as “ victorious” countries. In the similar way, there is this recent situation where the abolition of nuclear weapons was resolved but it hasn’t been carried out.

(2)     Could Democracy escape from Populism?
Benjamin: I think it’s hard because Democracy is basically a system that represents the opinions of nation. It all depends on the capacity of politicians’ that are chosen by people’s votes.

Akiko: However, having too much income gap in a nation is one of the issues and it’s important to reduce the gap. Politicians are also responsible for this, but at the same time, people are also responsible because they select politicians.

Benjamin: A nation’s politics is merely a reflection of its people’s opinions, so it’s necessary to improve the level of its people.

(3)     Is anti-globalization good or bad for the world?
Akiko: There is the world economic forum annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland starting January 27th. President Trump who is holding out the ideal of “America first”, German Chancellor Merkel and French President Macron who support the idea of globalism will discuss at the meeting.

Benjamin: Trump will challenge them with his cabinet members.

Akiko: I’m looking forward to the results and I would like to report next time!

(4)     Populism gains power because the nation complains about the current situation of huge gap and there is no place for the people to release their pent-up frustration other than by voting. Is this a political issue? What would be the best thing to do?
Akiko: The reason why Mr. Trump was elected as the president of the United States is widening disparity. I don’t want to say bad things about other countries’ leaders, however I can’t accept him as a politician. Even in America which is a democracy country, lots of American citizens withheld to declare “supporting Trump” during the presidential election last year.

Benjamin: Well… He is a businessman at best, and definitely not a president.

Akiko: If the Republican Party loses the next election coming this autumn, President will be nothing but a ‘lame duck’.

Benjamin: The US economy is now recovering as they say, but do you think there is a chance to return to how it used to be?

(5)     Can China which is communism and one-party dictatorship system become the world leader?
Akiko: China is a one-party state and Communist party continues to dominate government. Therefore, I believe it’s efficient to run its country, however, 1.3 billion people live in China and they all have different values. That makes it harder to stick to particular opinions.

Benjamin: Actually, there were some rebellions in China. Just like Mr. Trump’s; it’s “China First.”

Akiko: Consequently, it is not imaginable for all free nations to accept China as world leader even China’s economic growth looks strong.

(6)     Do you think Democracy is the best?
Akiko: Let’s think about Democracy then. Do you think it’s the best way?

Benjamin: Nanami Shiono who is historical novelist states that even Greece, one of the democrat countries, reached maturity and gradually collapsed.

Akiko: The key is whether or not there is an excellent leader and how long he or she can rule its country.

Benjamin: What can you say about Japan?

Akiko: Well, in Japan, Democratic Party once formed a new Cabinet but the absent of leaders led to internal conflicts and all the plans failed.

(7)     Is there any system that can lead the world? Should we make the United Nations better and stronger?
Akiko: As I said before, the current United Nation system can’t solve problems. We need to create a new system!

Benjamin: What would the system be like?

Akiko: Democracy is not the best but I think it’s relatively safe and reasonable for all people. But we need a great leader. It depends on the nation that selects politicians.

(8)     Is Capitalism a system that creates a gap between the rich and the poor? Are there countermeasures?
Akiko: Under the capitalism, “the strongest always win” and disparity always arise.

Benjamin: How can we reduce this gap?

Akiko: At the beginning of the Meiji period, Eichi Shibusawa was in France as a follower for Akitake Tokugawa. He observed the reality of Capitalism and realized this inherent issue. And to avoid it, he stated that Capitalism should be combined with the spirit of Confucianism. In other words, we need to take measures to protect the weak.

I would like to choose one from these topics and use it as a discussion topic

Written by Mr.Chiba and translated by Ms.Kojima & Mr. Sasaki



B:かと言って、今の国連は総会で決議しても、理事国の一国でもそれに反対であれば、機能できない。 それがルールだからだ!  もっと民主主義的なシステムができないか?
A:大国が既得権益を放棄しないとできない。「戦勝国としての・・・。」利権を! 同様に、最近の例では、「核兵器廃絶」と言って決議しても、実行できない。難しいね!


(3)     保護主義は,善か悪か?

(4)     ポピュリズムは国民が現状へ不満を持つからである。大衆は選挙の他に不満をぶつける手段がない。即ち、政治やそのシステムの問題であろうか? どのようにすべきか?

(5)     中国は世界のリーダーにはなれないか?
―― 共産主義国だからか? 一党独裁の国だからか?

(6)     民主主義は最善か?

(7)     世界をリードできるシステムはないものか? 国連を改善すべきであるか?

(8)     資本主義は格差を生むシステムであるか?
