2018年 12月号 B項


2018年 12月号 B項

Business: English Skills





Physicist Donna Strickland, a self-described “laser jock” who prefers to keep a low profile, won the Nobel Prize in physics Tuesday, becoming the third woman ever to do so — an

achievement she described as “surreal.” […] But Strickland’s achievement comes a day after an Italian physicist was suspended from CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear

Research, for saying that physics was “invented and built by men.”“I wonder what Marie Curie would have thought of that,” Strickland says. […] “Maria Goeppert-Mayer, you know,

she didn’t even get paid to be a scientist. And yet, she was doing Nobel Prize-winning work. How ridiculous is that? I do not have to go through what they went through because

there were women out there paving the way for us (1). Certainly, things are changing all the time,” says Strickland, who cited Goeppert-Mayer’s work in her thesis. “It will keep

improving, hopefully. The fact that people are even outraged by what was said at CERN says that things are different (2).” The CERN controversy — and the overall lack of female

Nobel winners — has highlighted the obstacles that women often face in science fields (3), particularly in physics. Statistics show that women earn an even smaller percentage of

bachelor’s degrees in physics (20%) than they do bachelor’s degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields more broadly (35%). […]


By Katie Reilly “Physicist Donna Strickland on Her ‘Surreal’ Novel Prize Win and the Challenges for Women in Science” TIME Newsletters, October 2nd, 2018 http://time.com/5412840/donna-strickland-nobel-prize-physics/ Reference November 9th, 2018



achievement 業績、偉業

surreal 夢であるかの様な、奇想天外の

suspend 停職にする、保留する

ridiculous おかしな、ばかげた

outrage 憤慨させる

controversy 論争、論議

obstacle 障害、妨害

bachelor 学士


  • 部分的訳と解説●

(1) “I do not have to go through what they went through because there were women out there paving the way for us.” これまで未来のために科学の道を開拓してきた女性達が居たからこそ、同じ道をたどらなくて済む、と訳すことができます。動詞 ”pave” は「~を舗装する、敷く」という意味を持ちますが、“pave the way for [to]” で「~への道を開く、~を容易にする」という表現ができます。便利な表現ですので、覚えておきましょう。(例) His idea paved the way for the development of new medicines.


(2) “The fact that people are even outraged by what was said at CERN” までが少し長いですが主語となります。CERNでの発言で憤慨した人々がいるという事実が、それは間違っている ”things are different” ということを示していると解釈できます。


(3) “The CERN controversy (-) has highlighted the obstacles that women often face in science fields.” CERNでの論議は、科学分野で女性が多く直面する障壁を浮き彫りにした、と訳すことができます。動詞の“face”は「面している、向く、対面する」などの意味の他に、「直面する、直視する」といった意味も持ちます。(例) The country is facing severe food shortages. 様々な意味を持つ単語ですので、辞書などで調べてみるのも面白いと思います。

