2017年 2月号 D項


2017年 2月号 D項

Debate: Topic and Outline




After 2015, the countries that were at the forefront of globalization seem to begin movement to close their doors; notably Europe with refugee problems from Syria and the United States with illegal immigration from Mexico. Emmanuel Todd says, “The crisis of globalism,” and “The end of globalism.” “Why is it really so? What will happen in the future?” I would like to think about these questions.

3. Impact of BREXIT outside the UK
This election result is expected to affect not only the UK and the EUbut also the rest of the world including Japan economically.

3.1 Impact within the EU
For the last two years, because of the economic crisis in Greece,followed by other economic slumps in Spain, Italy, Portugal, there is the problem of North-South disparity within the EU. Therefore, there is a fear that this withdrawal problem in the UK will spark a chain reaction, and it is inevitable for the EU to address seriously. Indeed, at the EU Summit held just after the election, they decided to call for strict measures. The EU says, “it will allow Britain no cherry-picking.”

3.2 Necessity of reform within the EU
(1) The original purpose and philosophy of the European integration were as follows:
1) Avoid the next war in Europe
2) Idea that it is natural that Europe gathers together
3) Idea that size matters, both economically and politically (against the US)
4) Necessity to combat challenges from Asia as one united Europe
5) Idea that integration in Europe is naturally inevitable

Therefore, the following can be said as the result of integration.
1) There have been no wars in Europe. – Received the Nobel Peace Prize.
2) Germany and France are close allies.
3) With the help of the EU, the countries of the former Soviet Union have been reabsorbed in the west.
4) More and more countries are waiting to gain membership in the EU.
5) The EU has become more vocal and influential.
However, these achievements are of the past. Recently many defects and problems have been exposed. For example, the current EU is only a collection of countries, and
while aiming to become one nation as a whole, it has not reached that stage. Therefore, it has weakened the role of nations and their people in many fields. For this reason, the EU, as an organization, cannot fulfill its role as the ultimate leader. As a result there has been a lot of confusion.
However, the EU has a system that is controlled by the unelected elites from each nation, and therefore it did not represent each nation and its people. Meanwhile, because Britain has rich democratic tradition and experience, it began to turn against the EU. It was considered that “If you pursue the sublime idea to lead its countries to create an everlasting peace by advancing the consolidation and by lowering the walls of the border, the outdated nation-state will disappear”. Also, it was expected that the integrated Europe would embody the best traditions of its countries and open the future in a new world.

Moreover, since the committee consists of leaders that are not elected by the elections, they feel excluded from decision-making, and for them, it is problematic that things are decided in “distant places”. It makes perfect sense. However, the EU committee consists of leaders that are not elected by the elections, but the elites who had experienced the cabinet in each member country control the politics, therefore, its politics is done ” far away” from the citizens of each country. Accordingly, it can be said that British citizens repelled because of their rich democratic traditions and experiences.

Written by Mr.Chiba and translated by Mr. Sasaki

3.1 EU内への影響
EU内では一昨年、ギリシャの経済危機、それに続く、スペイン、イタリア、ポルトガルなど経済不振で、EU内での南北格差の問題を抱えている。従って、一説には、英国のこの離脱問題が連鎖する恐れがあり、EUとしては厳しく対応せざるを得ないとされる。現に、選挙直後に行われた、EU首脳会議では厳しい対応を求めることとした。「良いとこ取りは許さない(CHERRY PICKING)」と・・。
3.2 EU内の改革の必要性

