2017年 11月号 D項


2017年 11月号 D項

Debate: Topic and Outline


At the 140th YY club meeting in October, one of the discussion topics was “In the absence of a global leader (with the isolation of US president Trump and Prime Minister May of UK), are we able to keep peace and safety in the world?” Let me guide you through how the discussion unfolded, using the following conversation between Akiko and Benjamin as always.

Akiko: President Trump said in the inauguration ceremony, “AMERICA FIRST”, and also affirmed that “my job is not to serve the world but the US…

Benjamin: What does this mean? Until now, US presidents have sent the US troops and tried to maintain peace when wars and conflicts arose in the world, to preserve the world order!

Akiko: For this reason, the US has kept the world’s largest military power.

Benjamin: During the Bush administration, using that mighty military power, the United States started the Iraq war independently, ignoring not only the UN resolution but also the opposition of the Europe. But the confusion is still there. It can be said that the American people are getting tired of “the US being the world police.” Also, because of the high military expense, it has certainly been economically challenged. It can also be said that the rise of Trump reflects this voice by its people.

Benjamin: However, if a world leader continues to be absent, the confusion would just grow! So, which other countries would be suitable as a world leader?

Akiko: From the economic point of view, China would definitely be a possibility. Besides, China is also the creditor of the United States…

Benjamin: But a big issue is that China is not respected from other countries. It provides financial aid to Africa, but nonetheless China does not have a good reputation. Instead of transferring technology to aid receiving countries, it relies on its power of money, and as a result, it gives priority only to their own advantages. This is a distinct example of Hard Power.

Akiko: In addition, its military force is nothing compared to the United States. Moreover, in China, domestic problems coming from the economic disparity of the people have not been solved. There also seem to be many riots and revolts in its rural areas. These domestic issues must be its priority. It seems safe to say that it is far from capable of being a world leader. Although, its military power is rapidly growing in line with the development of its economic power. At the same time, a lot of countries are also becoming suspicious, wondering why it needs such a strong and growing military force.  The low behavior of China in the South China Sea (ignoring the judgment of the International Court) is also troubling. There is also the Senkaku Islands issue for Japan. At the Communist Party Congress in October this year, President Xi said that China aimed to become “a powerful socialist country that will have been modernized in the next 30 years.”

Benjamin: What kind of country did he mean by a “powerful modernized socialist country”?

Akiko: Naturally, as a powerful country it will contain military aspects. It will be a threat to neighboring countries.

Benjamin: So who else (and which country) can be the world leader? How about Chancellor Merkel in Germany?

Akiko: You are right; she is the only person who can object to President Trump.

Benjamin: But she took office as Chancellor for the fourth term in the October federal election, but due to the acceptance of refugees, she allowed the opposition party (extremely right party) to gain power. As a result, she is losing her momentum. She should focus on pressing domestic problems, and she herself says so. However, she also says that she is willing to go to North Korea to reason, so I still see some potential in her!

Akiko: In addition, although Germany is economically prevailing among EU countries, it is yet to become a permanent UN member, like Japan. Why?

Benjamin: It is simple! It is probably because it was a defeated country in WWII. It is natural for the current members (victorious countries) to resist the addition of Germany as a permanent member. I would like to discuss this later.

Akiko: Now, the most pressing issue is the North Korea’s possession of nuclear weapons! In particular, the United States, South Korea and Japan pose a threat as neighboring countries. North Korea does not obey the resolution of the United Nations; it only sticks to its opinion and single-mindedly insists on “possessing nuclear weapons.” Also, I strongly wish the UN would not allow North Korea to possess them from the standpoint of “abolishing nuclear weapons that are threat to mankind.” It is scary to imagine what dictators do and will do in the future. It’s like placing an edge-tool in the hands of a madman.

Benjamin: How will the world try to suppress North Korea? That would definitely require a global leader and its leadership. Blaming the absence of a world leader for not facing this serious issue is not acceptable at this point.

Akiko: In such times, Japan will have to demonstrate leadership and take actions!

Benjamin: But frankly I don’t think Prime Minister Abe will know what to do but to just follow the American lead”!

Akiko: Take UN sanctions resolutions; if it’s the United States that makes a proposal, Russia would oppose. With these realities in place, it would be impossible to resolve or execute anything afterwards. It would only benefit North Korea. However, war is never a solution. The system of veto rights should be abolished, and a more democratic system should be proposed and implemented.

As a proposal, I think a tentative system replacing the UN should be presented. The post-war period is passed.

The number of votes should be adjusted according to the importance of the agenda, and then ask for approval or disapproval. However, it would not have to be unanimously decided.

Akiko: Do you think the former victorious countries would be ok with it?

Benjamin: That would certainly be a problem! However, now that almost 100 years have passed since the end of the war, they should grow up! How about giving some kind of benefits to them? Say, what about their entitlement to the chairman’s position in the initial meetings?

Akiko: In any case, we cannot live in a world without a global leader (country or person) much longer. Historian Nanba Shiono says, “Mankind has come up with all sorts of regimes, except the one without a leader.”


A:トランプ米国大統領は就任式の演説で、「AMERICA FIRST」と言い、また「私の仕事は世界のためではなく、アメリカのためである」と断言したけれど・・・。















A:今、最も緊急課題は、北朝鮮の核保有問題だね! 特に、米国、韓国、日本は隣国として脅威となる。国連決議にも従わず、自分の意見を通すため、「核を保有する」の一点張りである。また、「人類の脅威である核を廃絶する」の見地からも何とか保有を認めないで置きたい。独裁者は将来も今も、何をするか分からないし・・・。「狂人に刃物」である。








B:それが問題であろう! しかし、やがて戦後100年に近づく今日、もっと大人になってもらいたいものだ! 何か、戦勝国に特典を与えるようにするかね?、例えば、最初は戦勝国に議長の椅子を用意するなど・・・。


